About Department

Overview of the Department

The Department of Zoology of Jeevan Vikas Mahavidyalaya, Devgram at UG level was established in the year 2018. The Department offers graduation in Zoology. It consists of qualified faculty members to make sure the best education imparted to the students. The faculty members are also actively involved in research. The students are provided with ample opportunities to improve their skills and practical knowledge. They are motivated to handle seminars and participate in group discussions,quiz and competitions. Apart from emphasizing consistent and good academic performance, the department encourages participation of students in curricular and co-curricular activities to bring out the best in them.

Core Competence

A core of Zoology provides theory plus practical knowledge and skills and the basis for more advanced work later on. The courses are aimed to focusing on broader concepts and using facts to illustrate those concepts providing a framework for the field of Zoology and ensuring students become capable zoologists by providing them with authentic research experiences.

Programmes Offered

The department lays a strong foundation in Zoology with syllabus designed so as to cater to the needs of all undergraduate students. Also, the department offers U.G course in Zoology.

B.Sc Zoology

The Bachelor of Science in Zoology provides a strong background to the fundamentals of Zoology. There is a large demand for people with strong practical skills and a broad-based background in the life science. The 3-year B.Sc programme will prepare a student to avail many diverse attractive opportunities.


Research thrust areas

Biochemistry                               Animal Physiology

Cell Biology                                Genetics

Molecular Biology                      Diversity of Life forms

Cell signalling                             Ecology

Immunology                                Evolution

Developmental Biology              Applied Biology


To provide an environment where students can learn, become competent to Zoology and understand the use of this life science in other disciplines and day to day life.


To provide excellent knowledge of Zoology for suitable career and groom them.

To train the students for interdisciplinary applications and research.

To discover, mentor, and nurture Zoologically inclined students, and provide them a supportive environment that fosters intellectual growth.


To offer a set of core courses in Zoology aimed at developing the student’s intellectual curiosity, creative ability and habit of independent study.

Create interest in the subject of Zoology and motivate students to pursue higher studies in Zoology.

To provide the opportunity for the student to participate in seminars, work experiences and creative projects.

To provide opportunities for the student to participate in collaborative work and develop their leadership and group work skills.

To facilitate and promote second concentration in Zoology for students of other disciplines.

To provide mentoring through students and teachers to individualize and enrich the student’s Zoology experience.

To provide courses, mentoring, participations and other activities for students interested in pursuing studies in Zoology.


Blood Group Detection Camp

The Blood Group Detection Camp was held on 3rd March,2022 by Department of Zoology, Jeevan Vikas Mahavidyalaya Devgram. This activity was made successful with the unstinted support of all teachers and students of department. The inauguration of camp was done by Principal Dr.Devendra Bhongade  with his blood group detection, Vice-Principal Dr. Raju Shrirame  and other faculty members of campus blood group detection also carried out under the guidance of professor Mr.Sumit Gurchal  and Miss. Kajal Madakwade.

The B.Sc. Part - II  students assisted the technicians of Blood Group Testing and 1st year students did the registration. A total of 123 Blood Group Testing were done which comprised of 21 teaching and non-teaching staff, 3 peons,1 gardener and 98 students.




“World Wildlife Week Celebration 2022”

The Wildlife Week celebrated on date 02nd Oct to 08th Oct 2022 in Jeevan Vikas Mahavidyalaya,Devgram. The Wildlife Week is celebrated in all over the country in the month of October every year to protect animal life. The celebration of 68th National Wildlife Week is all over India 2nd to 8th October 2022.The main objective of this campaign to promote the conservation and protection of animals..The India Board of wildlife established wildlife week in 1952 to increase awareness about the long term aims of wildlife protection throughout India Wildlife Day was 1st observe in 1955, but later in 1957. This year Wildlife Week celebrated in 2022 under the theme 'Recovering Key Species for Ecosystem Restoration'.

This week first week of October Department of Zoology Jeevan Vikas Mahavidyalaya organized various events.The first events was “Nest from Waste”' under this students make nest for beloved birds. Because over exploitation by human reduce their home. We try to give shelter for them the program held on 4th October 2022 in morning 11.00 AM. Inauguration of campaign done by respected Principal Dr.Devendra Bhongade. Vice-Principal Dr. Raju Shrirame,Dr. Kalyani Bhongade ,Dr. Mangesh Acharya, Dr. Sarode  and other members of campus also present at that time. The “Bird Nest camping” was conducted under the guidance of professor Mr.Sumit Gurchal and Miss. Kajal Madkwade. This activity was made successful with the unstinted support of all teacher and student of Department of Zoology.

Guest Lecture on “Wildlife Conservation” organized on dated 07th October,2022 as a part of this Wildlife Week Celebration 2022. Guest lecture of a Respected Dr.Manisha M.Bhatkulkar Associate Professor and Head of Department of Zoology, Jawahar Nehru Arts,Commerce and Science College Wadi,Nagpur. Dr.Bhatkulkar introduced our wildlife and environment.In this era of technologies and science, we forget to conserve our main property of wildlife and environment. She taught steps regarding to Wildlife Conservation which will be fruitful to conserve them.But today we are thankful of Dr.Manisha Bhatkulkar for the inspiring words.The guest present on the dais was President of this programme Principal Dr. Devendra Bhongade , Chief guest and Guest of Honour Dr. Manisha Bhatkulkar, Vice Principal of our college Dr.Raju Shrirame,Prof. Sumit Gurchal.

Introductory Speech was given by Prof.Kajal Madkwade Madam.“Inauguration of Zoological Society-2022”announced by Prof. Mr.Sumit S. Gurchal. There also one event there Inauguration of Zoological society and distribution of their work to society member. Student of Department of Zoology, Miss.Khushi Raut played role of anchor of this programme and Miss. Shraddha Bagde given Vote of Thanks.

 “Animals Photography and Specimen Exhibition” also arranged in Department of Zoology on this day. Animals photographs also clicked by students which is a nourishing activity for animal photography skills of students. Every species is different and mysterious, number of species in unidentify, but people didn't see them so this event act as a introduction of lower to higher animals according to evolutionary pattern.

On 8th October,2022, all faculty members of Jeevan Vikas Mahavidyalaya sign “A Treaty of Wildlife Conservation” by own on a blank banner as token of respect toward our mother Earth and take pledge to conserve wildlife. With this activity Wildlife Week Celebration-2022 concluded on high note.









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