Crackers Competitive Cell:

Prof. Nagesh Dhobale







Co- ordinator of CC Cell 

About Crackers Competitive Cell:

Cracker Competitive Cell has been started in Jeevan Vikas Mahavidyalaya, Devgram to provide the facility and guidance for the aspirants of various competitive examinations. As our college is situated in the rural area and most of the students belong to the families with poor economic background. Those who want to pursue for competitive examinations are neither in condition to buy exam. related books nor join highly paid classes. By understanding the circumstances of the students our college cell will overcome the requirements.

To help the aspirants; we offer a regular space and time to talk or think about studies or difficulties. Each aspirant is encouraged to express their feelings and thoughts about their problem so they can understand themselves and their approach better for improving ways of success. 

To follow the dreams of the aspirants the expert faculties of the college and abroad will try to provide all possible solutions for the success. The cell will also provide online guidance to overcome all types of shortcomings.

Vision : 

To build families with the achievements of the aspirants.

Mission :

March on the path of success to achieve the set target of the aspirants.

Aim & Objectives:

  • To provide academic facilities to the students aspiring for central and state service examinations.
  • To organize career related activities in the college.
  • To provide required guidance to all the students at all level.
  • To organize Counseling Programs in the college on various topics.
  • To help students to plan, monitor and manage their personal and career development.
  • To make students competent for attending competitive examinations.
  • To improve and enrich the existing counseling and career education programme in the college.
  • To inculcate leadership qualities and attitude among the students.
  • To create awareness among students to be responsible citizens and ideal persons of the society.
  • To conduct career development workshops and seminars on competitive exams.


Workshop on Competitive Exams. Preparation :

The Department of Crackers Competitive Cell organised One day Workshop on "Competitive Exams. Preparation" on 15th October 2022 under the guidance  Dr. Devendra Bhongade, Principal JVMD on the occasion of  Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam's birth anniversary. A short film on his life biography was shown for the students . The introductory speech had given by Mr. Devendra Vasade who highlighted the importance of reading books in today's modern age of technology and how to cultivate reading culture. The keynote speaker of the program was  Rupesh Naringe  Dynamic  Academy, Warud.  Mr. Rupesh Naringe  said that students have no choice but to work hard to succeed in life. He insisted that you are the architect of your life. He guided on how to increase reading ability for competitive exams. and how to plan for it. The Chairperson of the program, Prof. Nagesh Dhoble highlighted the life biography of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. Dr. Jaya Alaspure  compered the program and Prof. Umesh Niswade proposed the vote of thanks .





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