Mr. Devendra H. Wasade







In-charge of  Library Department 

Birth: Born on 25th February  1981  at Nagpur, Maharashtra

  • Educational Qualification:
     M.Sc. Physics B.Ed. M.LISc. NET, SET, Ph.D(Persuing)
  • Topic of Ph.D. Research:
     “The Study best practices in NAAC Accredited universities in India with special reference to the library and information services.”
  • Present Designation:
    Incharge of  Library Department
    at Jeevan Vikas Mahavidyalaya, Devgram, Tah. Narkhed, Dist. Nagpur (M.S.)
  • Contact Details:
  • Position held in the College:
    Incharge of Library,   Faculties of Physics
  • Responsibility Assigned by the Institution:
  • Activities in Social Domain:
    Chairperson : Gram Vikas Vachanalay , Devgram
  • No. of research papers published in National and International Journal: 0

About the Knowledge Resource Center : 

The knowledge Center is one of place where the students and faculties in the college under the cluster can depend for their information requirement. The faculties, researches and the students rely upon library resources for enriching their knowledge and get recent information. The frequency of visit of the users day by day goes on decreasing so at this time KRC face big challenges. The Learning Resource Centre of JVMD with its allegiance to learning provides the students with a well-developed information resource including of books, subject wise journals, magazines, e- journals with the help N-List INFLEBNET. The aim of KRC is improve the reading habits of users and encouraging research activity. The KRC has been established with inception of college in 1996. In the opening there was only 99 books and very limited space. But day by day the college has continued to add the collection. Today our total collection is 9502 of books and 44 bounded volumes of back journals, 13 current journals & 8 Newspapers. The  Collection includes text books various subject, reference books, miscellaneous books, Encyclopaedias, thesis , Dissertation ,minor research project , previous year question papers of RTMNU . These question papers are sent on email of needy students for their requirements. The LIBMAN Software used in KRC and all the book have been barcoded. Automation of library is completed. The LRC provides Reading room facility, OPAC facilities, Book Bank Facilities Xerox Facility, on-line Information Facility, e- journal facility and best practices as learned daily 5 word magically by display board. In the Opening session of college KRC organised orientation programme for new comer’s users. KRC organised various activities like Books exhibition at different places, workshop, Library orientation programme Conference, book fair, E- chaupal, Newspaper Clipping   Vachan Prerna  Din on the occasion of birth anniversary former president  Dr.  APJ Abdul Kalam.


The library will strengthen the academic excellence of the college by consolidating all the resources of knowledge in the modern age and will establish tools for easy and quick access to digital content through digitization of information resources. In the future RFID technology will be used in the library and modern, innovative services will be provided to the readers. The college library will be turned into an excellent knowledge resource centre.


The College Library seeks

to preserve the reading culture that is disappearing in the modern age and disseminates up-to-date knowledge. It contributes to the fulfilment of the college’s mission in educational, cultural and social development in rural areas. The College Library maintains its commitment to the community by developing innovative approaches to support lifelong learning. Digitization of available information resources in the library is underway and the intention is to make it an excellent digital library in the future. The library is trying to create a website to impart up-to-date knowledge and literature to the readers. The library is providing digital platform to the readers through N-LIST and the some other links.


  1. To impart to the students a thorough understanding of patterns of knowledge development and its organization;
    2.To train the students in the advanced skills of information/knowledge, gathering, processing, organization and retrieval.
    3. To train the students in information/ knowledge analysis, repackaging, and marketing;
    4.To provide advanced practical training in ICT applications in information environment including library automation, digitization, networking and communication system;
    5.To train students in the analysis, planning, and management of the systems of library..
    6. To provide an understanding of research methods and activities of research organizations.
    7. To provide an understanding of the vital and pervasive role of information as an essential resource in all developmental activities.
    8. To acquaint the students with the applicationof modern management techniques and ideas essential for library and Information systems.9. To provide a thorough insight into all techniques of information handling with a special emphasis on the application of information technology.
    10. To train the students to develop their insight and skills in recent trends in the collection.
  2. To implemented all the fundamental values related to library field.



The library focuses on providing high quality services to its users. Their confidence is being achieved through credibility and impartiality. By improving knowledge and skills, library staff strives for excellence and promote the professional development of the entire library system.


Library staff is responsible and respectful for their interactions and for users, partners and the environment. He is always ready for the growth of knowledge and its collection and dissemination. Actively participate in shaping the future of our society and maintain social commitment.


Library policy is committed to open and unrestricted access to knowledge for all. The library guarantees as wide access as possible to the data and information collected and stored. Users are assisted in acquiring skills to manage and evaluate information and to make additional use of it for future knowledge.


The library staffs are always faithful to its duties. Readers’ satisfaction is our moral responsibility.


Encouraged and supported innovation in all areas of library work is also brought to reality. New Ideas Appreciated The library can quickly adapt and manage changes in society and the environment.

Rules & Regulation:

  1. Library will remain open for all the users From 8.00am To 4.00pm. On all working days.
  2. Students are required to show their ID while entering the library.
  3. Students are requested to keep their bags in the racks of reading room.
  4. Each student will be permitted to barrow books for a period of 15 days.
  5. Each faculty and staff will be permitted books for a period of 3 months.
  6. The books are to be returned on the due dates, failing which the students and staff will be required to remit a fine Rs 1 per day per book.
  7. Renewals are allowed only when there is no claim by others.
  8. Reference books , Journals / Magazine’s and CD/ DVD will not be issued.
  9. Any document taken out of the library should be shown to library staff.
  10. Absence and illness are not acceptable excuse for the exemption from paying overdue charges.
  11. Books marked or written with ink or pencil torn / pages taken out or defilement in any other replace book with 100/- towards technical processing fees or pays double the cost of the book.
  12.  If the book lost by the borrowers  they will have to be reported immediately in writing to the librarian failing which fines will keep on accumulating replace book within week.
  13. Refreshment or foodstuff of any kind not allowed inside the library.
  14. The librarian as the authority to recall a book at any time before its due dates.
  15. All library members are expected to read the notice board for library times and other handset will be confiscated.
  16. Mobile Phones are totally banned in the library any body found using them will be penalised and handset will be confiscated.

                                             Kearning Resource Center, Devgram


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