The code of conduct (ethics) of any organization is well-planned guidelines about the nature of working and future growth of the organization which shows values and commitments of employees with the employer. A well code of conduct clarifies an organization’s mission, values and principles, linking them with standards of professional conduct. The code articulates the values, the organization wishes to foster in leaders and employees and, in doing so, defines desired behaviour. Additionally, a code is a central guide and reference for employees to support day-to-day decision making. It can also serve as a valuable reference, helping employees locate relevant documents, services and other resources related to ethics within the organization. The main objectives of framing the code of conduct is to maintain discipline in the campus; imbibe moral values among the employees; to work with dedication and make aware of sincerity and punctuality about duty and to make our institution one of the best research institutes of International standard.

Rules/ Regulations for Employees : 

  1. Employee should reach before 10.00 Minutes of allotted time. The college Timing is from 8.00 am to 3.00 pm.
  2. Employee must be in uniform with Identity Card.
  3. Use of mobile during working hours and in the personnel department is strictly prohibited. In case found, a strict action will be taken.
  4. Employee must submit his/ her daily notes checked by Principal/Vice-Principal regularly before entering class.
  5. Employee must keep complete records of allotted work. While in campus, communication in English will be preferred.
  6. Max. 8 C.L. will be allotted in one academic year, 3 late marks will be counted as 1 C.L.
  7. Employee while leaving the campus during working hours will mention the time of departure and arrival in the Halchal register.
  8. Chewing of tobacco, gutaka, smoking and other addicted substances are strictly prohibited in the campus. If anybody found guilty in this matter, a strict disciplinary action will be taken against him/ her.
  • Loose-talking in the college premise is strictly prohibited.
  • Leave application without sanction will be considered as LWP.
  • Communication with parents must be polite and in simple manner. No rude behavior with the students.
  • A strict disciplinary action will be taken against Eve-teasers.
  • Teacher must enter the class with necessary teaching aids to make the class-teaching effective.
  • There should not be any class\bias among the staff members in the college campus.
  • Employee shall co-operate in all college- related activities even if it happens on Holiday.
  • Every employee shall participate in college activities/ programs with strict adherence to time management and discipline.
  • Teacher will make only subject-oriented discussion in the premise. Unnecessary standing in verandah, canteen-side without authentic reason is strictly prohibited.
  • In every academic session, teacher shall publish at least two papers in the reputed UGC approved e-journals from research point of view.
  • Non-teaching staff will observe that the office audit, salary sheet, other financial-work related to college is maintained through computers.
  • Non-teaching staff will also observe that the timely disbursement of students’ scholarship, certificates/ documents is done within time period.
  • Corporal punishment is strictly banned in the college premise. Anyone found guilty of giving corporal punishment shall not be excused.
  • All the staff will compulsorily make attendance on Bio-metric.
  • Every employee shall be responsible for strayed instruments/ materials in the premise. They will maintain it with the help of supporting staff.
  • Every employee shall take care that the class furniture is well maintained and classes are neat and clean.


       Dr. Devendra Bhongade

                   Principal, JVMD


          All the students shall make themselves acquainted with the rules and regulations notified for their conduct. Ignorance will not be excused.

  • Academic or social misconduct will be subject to disciplinary action by the Institution.
  • The student’s genuine grievances are redressed by Grievance Cell of the Institution.
  • It is mandatory for students to attend National festivals.
  • Class projects/ assignments must be submitted within time period.
  • Attendance of Internal Examination/ Seminars will be compulsory.
  • Ragging is strictly prohibited vide Maharashtra state ‘Anti-Ragging Act, 1999. Any student found indulging in ragging in any form within or outside the college shall be immediately expelled from the college and necessary disciplinary legal action will be taken.
  • Students shall behave in disciplined manners and follow the instructions issued by the Principal from time to time.
  • Students shall be regular and punctual in attending classes, tutorials and submission of assignments.
  • Students with poor attendance and consistently poor performance in tests and tutorials shall not be permitted to appear for the university examination.
    • Use of mobile phones by students in the class rooms/library is strictly prohibited.
    • Student must not stand in the varanda and near the class rooms during the class hours.
    • Students are the care-takers of the college property. Any damage done to college property, even by accident should be brought to the notice of the Principal. The student who spoils the walls or damage will not be excused.
    • Personal cleanliness and hygiene are expected from all. Uniform must be neat and clean.
    • Students must submit their scholarship/ examination forms to the office within time period.


       Dr. Devendra Bhongade

                    Principal, JVMD


  • The management body is intended to control all the activities in the institutions.
  • The management will help to develop the institution whenever required.
  • To monitor activities of the college and other financial issues. Whenever required they discus with the Principal.
  • The management will help the college for the recruitment of teaching and non-teaching staff whenever required.
  • The management committee shall have full control on the working of institution under the College Development Committee. The CDC will meet at least twice a year. To promote intellectual: moral, cultural, spiritual and physical advancement of the people in general and of the fair sex:
  • To promote youth ideals of simplicity of life, dignity of labour, national out-look, educational technical, vocational or otherwise, as may be decided from time to time:
  • To inaugurate and maintain institutions, education, technical, vocational or otherwise as may be decided from time to time.


      Antyoday Mission


  • The principal is the academic and administrative head of the institute and works for the growth of it.
  • The Principal monitors admissions, examinations, evaluation for smooth functioning of the system.
  • The Principal is authorized to nominate coordinators, members and other administration functionaries in various committees. He is responsible according to extension or changes various functionaries in the administration, with the approval of Academic Council of the college.
  • The Principal is the nominated chairperson of academic/administrative cells in the college.
  • The Principal coordinates and motivates the faculty, administrative authorities and the supporting staff to play their respective roles more effectively.
  • The Principal works for the common goal of providing effective education to enable the students to carve out promising career and lifelong learning.
  • The Principal is the spokesperson of the Institution and shall take part in regional, national and international conventions in serving the cause of development of education in particular.
  • The Principal along with all the staff working under him/her, is singularly and collectively responsible to the Board of Governors, Academic council, University, State Government, UGC, students and parents for the smooth and effective functioning of the college.
  • The Principal takes care of the academic and financial administration, generally guided by the rules and regulations as well as the norms laid down by RTM Nagpur University, UGC, State Government and the Governing body of the college.
  • He will be assisted by various Heads of the departments, senior faculty members and various committees.
  • In matters related to decision/implementation, Principal will be assisted by the Governing Body of the Institution.



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