All the students shall make themselves acquainted with the rules and regulations notified for their conduct. Ignorance will not be excused.

  • Academic or social misconduct will be subject to disciplinary action by the Institution.
  • The student’s genuine grievances are redressed by Grievance Cell of the Institution.
  • It is mandatory for students to attend National festivals.
  • Class projects/ assignments must be submitted within time period.
  • Attendance of Internal Examination/ Seminars will be compulsory.
  • Ragging is strictly prohibited vide Maharashtra state ‘Anti-Ragging Act, 1999. Any student found indulging in ragging in any form within or outside the college shall be immediately expelled from the college and necessary disciplinary legal action will be taken.
  • Students shall behave in disciplined manners and follow the instructions issued by the Principal from time to time.
  • Students shall be regular and punctual in attending classes, tutorials and submission of assignments.
  • Students with poor attendance and consistently poor performance in tests and tutorials shall not be permitted to appear for the university examination.
    • Use of mobile phones by students in the class rooms/library is strictly prohibited.
    • Student must not stand in the varanda and near the class rooms during the class hours.
    • Students are the care-takers of the college property. Any damage done to college property, even by accident should be brought to the notice of the Principal. The student who spoils the walls or damage will not be excused.
    • Personal cleanliness and hygiene are expected from all. Uniform must be neat and clean.
    • Students must submit their scholarship/ examination forms to the office within time period.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Dr. Devendra Bhongade

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Principal, JVMD
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