About Department

Overview of the Department

The Department of Botany of Jeevan Vikas Mahavidyalaya, Devgram at UG level was established in the year 2018. The Department offers graduate,  courses in Botany. It consists of qualified faculty members to make sure the best education Imparted to the students. The faculty members are also actively involved in research and carrying out projects. The students are provided with ample opportunities to improve their skills. They are motivated to handle seminars and participate in group discussions. Apart from emphasizing consistent and good academic performance, the department encourages participation of students in curricular and co-curricular activities to bring out the best in them.

Core Competence

A core of basic Botany provides with the Botanical knowledge and skills, and the basis for more advanced work later on. The Botanical courses are aimed at building a strong foundation in the subject. Students are exposed to advanced research topics through electives and project work.

Programmes Offered

Botany is a basic environmental study. The department lays a strong foundation Botany with syllabus designed so as to cater to the needs of all undergraduate and students. Also, the department offers UG, course in Botany.

B.Sc Botany

The Bachelor of Science in Botany provides a strong background to the Botany . There is a large demand for people with strong analytical skills and a broad-based background in the Botanical sciences. The 3-year B.Sc programme will prepare a student to avail many diverse attractive opportunities.


To provide an environment where students can learn, become competent users of Botany, and understand the use of Botany in other disciplines.


To provide excellent knowledge of Botanical sciences for suitable career and groom them.

To train the students for interdisciplinary applications and research.

To discover, mentor, and nurture Botanically inclined students, and provide them a supportive environment that fosters intellectual growth.


To offer a set of medicinal plant courses in Botany aimed at developing the student’s intellectual curiosity, creative ability and habit of independent study.

Create interest in the subject of Botany and motivate students to pursue higher studies in Botany

To provide the opportunity for the student to participate in research projects, seminars, work experiences and creative projects.

To provide opportunities for the student to participate in collaborative work and develop their leadership and group work skills.

To facilitate and promote second concentration in Botany for students of other disciplines.

To provide mentoring through students and teachers to individualize and enrich the student’s Botanical

To provide courses, mentoring, participation in projects and other activities for students interested in pursuing studies in



Medicinal plants exhibition and Plantation: 

Date & Time : 21/11/2022

Place    : Department of Botany & Botanical garden JVMD

Aim    : To recognize students knowledge & Awareness among the plant  conservation &Tree plantation for better Environment.


Chairperson   : Devendra Bhongade

Chief Guest    : Dr. Raju Shrirame

Introductory  : Prof. Bhavana Yawale

Anchoring      : miss. Shraddha Bagde

Vote of Thanks: prof. Bhavna Tathode

  • Participants/ Beneficiaries : 109
  • Outcomes: In conclusion we can surmise that in general the two major threats to medicinal plants are: first, the loss of habitat (through land use conversion, agricultural expansion and so on) which results in the loss of both known and unknown species; and second, the over exploitation of known species as a result in increased ...
  • Organised by : Department of Botany
  • Main Points of the Programme:
  • To balance the ecological system.
  • Medicinal Plant importance in our life
  • Awareness among the plant conservation.
  • To improve students knowledge on medicinal plants.







 A One day workshop on Eco-friendly Holi Colors for better Environment

  • Date & Time : 27/02/2023
  • Place    : Department of Botany JVMD
  • Aim    : To save & awareness amongst people about the various harmful effects around Holi celebrations and encourage people to celebrate an eco-friendly Holi.
  • Guests:         
  • Chairperson   : Devendra Bhongade

            Chief Guest    : Prof. Pritam Sukhdeve

            Introductory  : Prof. Bhavana Yawale

            Anchoring      : Miss. Shraddha Bagde

            Vote of Thanks: Prof. Bhavna Tathode

  • Participants/ Beneficiaries : 90
  • Outcomes: Celebrating an eco-friendly Holi gives you the freedom to have fun along with the pleasure of protecting the environment. Not only this by making your Holi celebrations eco-friendly you also save money, which otherwise could have spent on harmful colors and other irrelevant products.
  • Organised by : Department of Botany
  • Main Points of the Programme:
  • It can significantly reduce waste generation and promote the reuse and recycling of waste products.
  • Awareness among the better Environment.

To improve students knowledge on waste management













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