Research policy :

Guiding Principles for Research 

 The following guiding principles illustrate by the Department of IQAC,  Jeevan Vikas Mahavidyalaya, Devgram  and the dedicated to the quest of research excellence. We believe that all forms of research outputs affect society, directly or indirectly by underpinning the advancement of knowledge, and can be expressed as social, economic, environmental, or cultural benefits.
The Guiding Principles are
 Engaging students in research activities provides unique and relevant contextual learning and builds their research skills.
 Generate ideas to pursue both curiosity-driven and solution-based research to address recent fields.
 Innovations in scientific, social and pedagogical areas through the development of new technologies.
 Research inspires creativity, inculcates scientific temper and supports the socio-economic, cultural development of the community.
 Research and teaching-learning are intrinsically linked and complementary.
 Research engagement supports professional development of faculty and helps them in curriculum development.
 Multidisciplinary research is a learning experience in which the researchers also learn from each other’s fields.

Code of Ethics in Research
Code of ethics in research involves the application of fundamental ethical principles to be followed in research activities, including scientific research. Research, education and extension are integral parts of any higher education institute. The reputation of institution depends on quality of research and education. NAAC gives substantial weight age to quality and quantity of research undertaken by faculty and students of the Institute. UGC expect certain ethics followed by institution in their research activities. To fulfill these expectations Jeevan Vikas Mahavidyalaya, Devgram with deliberation with researchers and worldwide ethics followed has formulated certain code of ethics for research in the college.

These codes are
Responsibilities of a Research Investigator:

A research investigator or guide must not only put together the research students but also try to assemble an adequate financial and administrative structure to support the research. A supervisor not only provides guidance and advice to individual students in the research but also make them aware of responsibility for the scientific integrity of the whole research activity.

Data and report:

Research guide should take all reasonable steps to check the details of experimental procedures and the validity and authenticity of the data or observations reported by research scholars, including periodic reviews of primary and secondary data as well as reports prepared by scholars. The report of research outcome must be based on accurately recorded data or observations. It will be considered as a breach of research integrity if the reported data fail to support the reported conclusions. The data must be authentic and be based on outcome of original activities of researcher and not from other sources. Any intentional or reckless disregard for the truth in reporting observations may be considered to be an act of research misconduct.

Originality and acknowledgement of sources:

The research work that must be original and come from research outcome of researchers. If help is taken from other sources, should be acknowledged properly.

Duplication of Publication:

Research articles must be published in UGC notified journals. Researchers should not publish the same research outcome in two different places. If published very good reason must be given and appropriate citation must be made in the later publication to the earlier one and if required, the editor must be explicitly informed.

Disclosure and conflicts of interest:

Researchers may use Institution resources such as staff, equipment, information or confidential information with prior permission of Principal or head of the department. Researchers may not use Institution resources for any purpose other than purposes related to teaching, research or service by the Institution, unless prior permission has been obtained by the Principal.

Plagiarism Policy: 

At Jeevan Vikas Mahavidyalaya, Devgram,  Research paper of faculties first send to its research paper to the  Department of IQAC . The IQAC department check the research paper and find percentage of plagiarism . When it satisfy give the permission for for published it in renowned Journal but first preference t0 the UGC Care listed Journal  and then other .

Initiatives for research: 
Dr Devendra S. Bhongade, Principal, Jeevan Vikas Mahavidyalaya, Devgram keenly involved and proactive to promote research culture amongst the faculty and students. College has a research coordination committee which along with the IQAC looks after all the requirements for the research work carried out in the college. The committee has recommended few reforms such as providing seed money for research work, improvement of existing research facilities, purchase of instruments as well as journals and books, besides publish research compendium for inculcating research culture in college.

1) IQAC encourages every department of the college to submit project proposals to funding agencies. The teachers are encouraged to take up research projects and                      provided support for applying to different funding agencies as well as for effective implementation of the sanctioned research projects. College facilitates timely                      auditing  and submission of utilization certificate to the funding authorities.

2) The college promotes the faculty as well as students to attend conference, seminars; encourage them to publish research articles and write articles in Newspapers.

3) The college is attentive for starting as well as smooth running of the recognized research centres in respective departments by fulfilling all administrative procedures as        per Nagpur University norms for maintaining the research culture.
3) The college has formed the committee as per UGC and RTMNU guidelines for following proper code of ethics.
5) The college has the ethical committee to handle ethical issues and not to inflict injury or pain on animals.
6) The college also provides all the infrastructural support as well as seed money to faculty members for conducting research.
7) The college aids the faculty, research scholars and project students for their research analysis and guidance from various reputed national institutes, industries and                universities.
8) The college research coordination committee governs the day to-day research requirements for the smooth functioning of research endeavors.
9) The college encourages and sponsor the faculty as well as students to attend research events and to publish research articles in peer reviewed journals.
10) The college also organizes scientific events viz. conferences, seminars and workshops to acquire updated knowledge and skill of the researchers. Regular lectures of                 well-known experts are arranged and staff and students are stimulated to interact with them.
11) The college regularly organizes scientific events viz. conferences, seminars and workshops to provide sound platform to researchers of the college to update their skills,          present their findings and interact with external experts and participants.

Efforts made and Outcomes of research committee in last few years :

1. College has recognized research centers in 4 departments.

2. In the last four years, 02 minor research projects have been completed and near about 8 are ongoing.

3. Notable increase in the number of national and international conferences /seminars/and workshops organized by the institute, research publications in reputed                    research journals and faculty participation in conferences and seminars.

4. Computer and internet facility are provided to the departments.

5. LCD projectors and smart boards are purchased.

6. Laboratory facility up-gradation.


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